A prior learning for charcoal burning exercise

The prior learning for charcoal burning exercise in ‘Iyo-education’ class


○date                             Monday, April 27, 2015  15:20 ~ 16:05

○location                        Ehime University High-school, Multipurpose study room

○participants                 10th graders

○lecturer                        Ehime University South Ehime Fisheries Research Center (SEFREC)  visiting professor  Budo Tsurumi


Comments from students : M

I learned that there are many types of charcoals. I never knew that Ehime, which I’m living is very rich in nature such as forests, and there are charcoals made by utilizing that. There were so many things that I didn’t know, and I learned another face of Ehime. I was very much moved by the fact that there are industries like this in this region, and I hope it will appeal to people all over Japan and to the world and lead to regional developments.


Comments from students : I

I strongly felt Dr. Tsurumi’s love towards this region. Even where places that we would consider inconvenient, if we change our perspective, we can discover something new that make our lives better. Also, I learned that there are many types of charcoals, and that Ehime prefecture has won the best and third prize for the quality of charcoal. It was news to me that Ehime prefecture is putting their efforts in log forestry, too. ’Serendipity’, which we learned from the president of Ehime University, also had an effect on the creation of ‘Ornamental ash’. I was astonished by this fact and was very much moved to know that there are connections between things that are useful to people and stimulates people’s sense of beauty.



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